vanilleass's avatar


★this life is mine to live
349 Watchers119 Deviations
I have a SRP by puqqie that I lost interest in her design so I'm selling Summer :
Sailor slimerock pup OTA by puqqie
I bought her for $50 and with tons of art + offers from my friends (…)

I'm looking for base of $50 USD (or 5000 points) and any add-ons are fine! * excl. digital art, I do not want digital artwork.
Some things I'm interested in :
- original characters / any characters tbh
- traditional art
- maybe some species

idk i'm really picky ; ____ ; just offered whatever,,
i'm not sure if people are interested and the group doesn't seem active, so any promo would be nice, I want her to have a nice home here !!

if i don't get any offers i like, i'll be selling her on instagram and telling people about this species rules and stuff
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1 min read
lol hello
does anyone watching me still use this site

it's been a while,, i suppose to be studying for my final
i haven't logged on in so long o:
how's everyone ?

this is so weird omg ' A '
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Hi, as many of you probably noticed, I have been on a hiatus on deviantart for a few months now? The main reason being that I was fairly busy with school as my final year of school ended so I took time off to concentrate on school and traditional art. Why traditional art? Because digital art was too tedious, having to pull out my tablet and opening SAI to find out most of the time I have to restart my laptop because my tablet just won't cooperate with me, it was very stressful and I just gave it at some point.

Another reason is I created an Instagram around December last year and I'm having better success on Insta than I am on deviantart rn....i'm guessing cause I feel like DA is so revolved around closed species  now?? I'm  no longer interested in that stuff so I feel like I'm already out of the community..? On Insta, I've gotten over 4000 followers over the past 6/7 months and it's not from trying to fit in and selling closed species ;; I'm not hating on closed species but I really like how Insta isn't like focused on adopts but more on art???? Insta has it's own bad side as well but I really don't mind because I never really deal with that kind of stuff and most of the time ignore it so the drama doesn't get to me.

I still owe oOIceFangOo KireiAoi Kyurikai Catatombi either art trade or commissions, I will be working to finishing these ASAP for you guys once I finished my current to-do list with traditional art. So no worries, I'm not running away without finishing owed artwork. IF I STILL OWE ANYONE ELSE ANYTHING, PLEASE LET ME KNOW AND WE CAN DISCUSS.

Commissions and trades will still be taken when I move on, but those will only be announced on Instagram. If you ever still want to commission me, keep an eye out on both my IG or Twitter and send me an email at to inquire.

I really hope everyone understands. I've had a great 3+ years here on DeviantArt and I really enjoyed the support and happy to have met all of the friends I know today. But time is now for me to move on and DA is no longer where I believe I belong as an artist. Thank you! Bye everyone! xoxo

- vanille
note: if you still want to follow me as an artist, I'll be posting on my Instagram : and I'll love to still chat if you have Twitter :

Art | Jishokoi - - - CSS | vanilleass
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I sorta went on a shopping spree...and spent over $200 on art (mostly traditional art)..........

I'm thinking one slot per week and if I don't finish a commission by the week then I won't open until the following week. Traditional art is the art I can finish the quickest x'D And I may even open up the $5 journal skins again because those were pretty nice to do so be on the lookout! I may also make some cheap adopts or something $2-3).

I accept points as well...btw if anyone asks $1 USD = 100 points.

Prices are found below :
Digital :…
Traditional :…
Journal Skins :…

Art | Jishokoi - - - CSS | vanilleass
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Journal Skin for loafking from our trade for the MYO slot <3
This journal skin has a gardening theme ^ - ^

Hope you like, let me know if you'd like anything changed.

This journal doesn't support moods.

Link Test

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Aenean ac arcu dictum, auctor elit vitae, vehicula risus. Aliquam dictum dignissim varius. Sed ornare, orci nec tincidunt fermentum, ipsum mi porta erat, non luctus purus lacus eu lacus. Vestibulum sed dui mattis, aliquam leo vel, rutrum mauris. In viverra dolor mi, quis elementum neque mattis ut. Donec molestie, eros vitae semper fermentum, mauris justo lobortis elit, ac ultricies sapien felis et felis. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc aliquet massa ac nulla interdum molestie. Aenean cursus, enim eget semper venenatis, arcu lorem feugiat arcu, sed dictum leo elit ut tellus. Sed accumsan pharetra dui, in scelerisque nulla tempor ut. Cras vitae metus id leo porta venenatis at id enim.

Pellentesque et mauris elit. Pellentesque porttitor nisl et libero volutpat lobortis. Suspendisse potenti. Cras consequat augue sagittis condimentum adipiscing. Aliquam feugiat, ipsum vel aliquam faucibus, lacus odio elementum massa, sed semper mauris dui et urna. Quisque bibendum risus urna, vel commodo mauris tristique eget. Phasellus eu mauris nulla. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Nam vitae augue sollicitudin, rhoncus lacus vitae, mattis sem. Nulla ut arcu et risus rutrum convallis. Nunc sollicitudin nibh mauris, a mollis dui laoreet sed. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Donec volutpat risus ut eros pulvinar, ac gravida purus accumsan. Etiam ipsum eros, ultrices eget rhoncus pellentesque, ullamcorper eu dui. Nulla ut neque lacus. Aenean condimentum congue arcu, at ornare neque faucibus et.

Fusce luctus ipsum nisl, non varius massa varius vitae. Donec ac euismod libero, nec vulputate orci. Mauris quis varius turpis. Nam ut elit ornare, vehicula lacus et, convallis diam. Nullam fermentum vulputate facilisis. Nam ut gravida quam. Etiam consectetur quis arcu a ornare. Nam dignissim cursus ipsum, ut dictum neque tempor vitae. Nullam auctor, ante eu scelerisque facilisis, justo nunc pharetra nunc, in tincidunt eros lorem et risus. Vestibulum cursus, nulla quis consequat volutpat, sem erat tempus tellus, sed congue quam lorem quis mauris. Nunc bibendum odio ante, vitae pharetra velit consequat nec. Integer non rutrum enim. Pellentesque id urna sit amet lectus auctor pulvinar ac non libero. Morbi magna diam, imperdiet tincidunt dapibus at, auctor faucibus leo. Sed adipiscing purus mattis, eleifend turpis ac, tincidunt quam.

Mauris risus nulla, volutpat eget nibh eget, adipiscing blandit enim. Fusce pellentesque posuere hendrerit. Nulla facilisi. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Aenean mattis sit amet metus sed interdum. Pellentesque nunc turpis, mollis eu tincidunt sodales, pharetra vel eros. Donec eu lacus dapibus, sodales eros nec, viverra nisl. Nam in erat at orci auctor ultricies a sed nulla. Vestibulum et volutpat felis. Vestibulum non purus vitae eros fermentum laoreet non vitae erat. Ut ac sagittis felis.

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Selling Slimerock Pup by vanilleass, journal

hi by vanilleass, journal

Leaving DeviantArt by vanilleass, journal

Might open all commissions soon... by vanilleass, journal

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